April 3, 2021 Alcoholism Knows No Colors |
February 14, 2021 |
January 10, 2021 |
November 22, 2020 |
November 7, 2020 |
Native American Conference -10.17.20 |
Traditions & Concepts Workshop 10.17.20 |
Traditions In Relationships - AWOB 10.3.20 |
Definition Of Love |
Traditions As A Guide To Healthy Relationships |
Emotional Sobriety -10.3.20 |
September 26, 2020 |
September 5, 2020 |
Finance & Romance 8.20.20 |
August 23. 2020 |
The following notes and presentation screens are for your personal use in your group or home. Judy's KBDM Slide Show Using KBDM in personal decisions Wrap up notes for the KBDM discussions Suggestions using KBDM in Group Business Meetings |
Around The World 7.10-12.20 |
Mary Pearl T - Step Study Guide |
Mary Pearl T - 4th Step Guide |
June 13, 2020 |
June 7, 2020 |
May 9-10, 2020 |
Workshop 5.8.20 |
May 6. 2020 |
Workshop - Let Go 5.1.20 |
Workshop-Forgiveness 4.29.20 |
Traditions 4.25-26.20 |
Workshp - Forgiveness 4.15.20 |
Al-Anon Without Borders 4.11-12.20 |
Principles of the Steps & Traditions 4.10.20 |
Finances, Romances & Circumstances 4.8.20 |
April 4-5, 2020 |
March 28-29, 2020 |